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Lights, Camera, Energy Efficiency

More energy efficient stage lighting? Yes, please! Theatrical lighting is found in many schools, houses of worship, and local theaters. The Tungsten lamp on the left runs at 575 or 750 watts, lasts for about 1,500 to 2,000 hours, and requires oft-replaced gel slides for color changes. And it gets very hot.


By comparison, the LED light on the right runs at 120 to 500 watts and lasts for up to 50,000 hours, with similar or greater intensity. The LED light also produces less heat, so there is less energy use and cost to help keep auditorium rooms cool. Thanks for the demo, Grand Stage Chicago!

As part of our energy efficient building service for nonprofit buildings and childcare centers, our energy experts will complete a FREE assessment your studio, school, or building — including your light use — and provide advice on the best energy efficiency upgrades as well as financing options and construction management and oversight if you move ahead with the suggested improvements.

For more, check out what this local Chicago public television and radio station did to lower energy bills and promote a healthier environment.

We’re there every step of the way to help you make sense of energy efficiency and maximize your savings on utility and maintenance costs.

Ready to schedule your free assessment? Just fill out this form, give us a call at 855.372.8377 or send an email to:

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