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Happy Birthday to Elevate Energy

It’s hard to believe that it has been two years ago to the day that we changed our name to Elevate Energy to better express our mission of smarter energy use for all. We’ve hit several milestones since then. Our hallmark programs have continued apace, and we’ve added new programs that expand our reach and expertise.

Curious what we’ve been up to recently? Check our 2015 annual report.

As the report shows, we’re working with numerous stakeholders across many different channels to fulfill our ambitious mission. Maybe you only know about us from one of those initiatives. In the video below, Elevate Energy CEO Anne Evens and others give you a broader sense of what we do at Elevate Energy and why.

We hope you like it.

Stay tuned in 2016 as work to bring the environmental and economic benefits of energy efficiency and renewables to all communities, particularly those struggling to make ends meet.

You can follow the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.

Meanwhile, pass the cake.


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