Tackling Portfolios Helps Owners Efficiently Improve Multiple Buildings
Elevate Energy works with a diverse array of people, from single-family home owners to public housing authorities. Elevate Energy regularly works with a portfolio owner (someone who owns multiple buildings in an area), Greenplan Management Properties, on energy efficiency measures at many of their properties. Working with portfolio owners is exciting because it creates a streamlined pipeline for energy efficiency measures. Assessments, applications, and installations for each building can be done simultaneously, making the process quicker and easier.
Currently, Elevate Energy is working with Greenplan on ten buildings, including their portfolio of buildings in Chicago’s Austin neighborhood. Three of the buildings in Austin are going through the program together. These buildings have received boiler replacements and lighting installations and are in the process of receiving efficient refrigerators and weatherization services. Elevate Energy and Greenplan will continue to work together as Greenplan acquires more buildings that are suitable for energy efficiency measures.
“Property owners should know that with a simple phone call or email they can start the process. The program can help with large expenses like boiler upgrades, allowing those funds to be spent on other capital improvements. All the projects lead to utility savings for both owners and tenants, making it a win-win for everyone.” Mike Nickels, Greenplan Management Properties
Portfolio Savings
- $7,183 estimated annual savings
Portfolio Overview
- Owner: Greenplan Management Properties
- Featured: Three buildings in progress on N. Austin Blvd.
- Neighborhood: Austin
Upgrades Completed
- New high-efficiency steam boilers
- Energy-efficient common room lighting
- Energy-efficient in-unit lighting
- ComEd Energy Efficiency Program
- Peoples Gas Energy Efficiency Program
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