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Coalition Efforts Achieve the Most Equitable Clean Energy Jobs Bill in the Nation

The future for Illinois residents is brighter today after the Illinois Senate passed comprehensive clean energy legislation with equity at the core. The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (SB2408) stands as a shining example of the power of collaboration and the hard work of the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition, which has advocated for the legislation over the last three years.

Elevate is a proud member of the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition, a coalition made up of hundreds of environmental groups, healthcare professionals, environmental justice champions, businesses, community leaders, labor groups, consumer advocates, and faith-based organizations from across the state.

Anne Evens, Chief Executive Officer

“I’m incredibly proud of the Governor, the Speaker of the House, the Senate President, and all the legislative sponsors who helped us cross the finish line for this comprehensive clean energy and jobs bill,” says Elevate CEO Anne Evens.

“I’ve never been more proud of this coalition, including Elevate staff like COO Delmar Gillus. They were deeply committed to negotiating legislation that made Black and Brown communities and consumers a priority. We know the climate crisis is real, and we see the impact all around us. Still, we also believe that climate justice can be the solution to seemingly intractable problems that limit the quality of life around the state,” Anne adds. “I know that Delmar, along with Policy Director Anne McKibbin and Policy Manager Pastor Booker Vance, were strong voices in saying no climate, no equity, no deal,” says Anne.

Delmar Gillus, Chief Operating Officer

“It was inspiring to join a coalition of grassroots organizations, environmental activists, faith and labor organizations, and diverse business owners. It was humbling to be in the room to negotiate on their behalf and find common cause with our elected officials who made this success possible,” says Elevate COO Delmar Gillus.

“I’m gratified to know that the people who often see new technology and innovation only in the movies or on TV will be able to see these resources in their neighborhood. When so much of the country is divided, it is encouraging to show what we can do when working together,” Delmar adds.

Anne McKibbin, Policy Director

“This legislation reflects the voices of advocates from every part of Illinois and has provisions to help our neighbors in coal country with a just transition to renewable energy,” says Elevate Policy Director Anne McKibbin.

“Energy efficiency lowers energy bills at a time when there is so much economic uncertainty for consumers. This legislation will ensure our electric utilities invest in energy efficiency for years to come, upgrading the health, safety, and comfort of our homes and buildings while saving Illinois families and businesses billions of dollars in wasted energy costs,” Anne adds.

“The legislation will also help community advocates have a seat at the table by providing resources to help them take part in electric and gas regulatory proceedings at the Illinois Commerce Commission,” says Anne.

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