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Elevate’s Chief Innovation and Development Officer to Serve as White House Sr. Director for Industrial Emissions

Trisha Miller is Elevate's Chief Innovation and Development Officer and leads climate policy and building decarbonization efforts

CHICAGO – Elevate’s Trisha Miller will join the Biden-Harris Administration to serve as a senior adviser for climate policy and finance in the White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy. Trisha currently serves as Elevate’s Chief Innovation and Development Officer, leading Elevate’s climate policy and building decarbonization programs.

“The effects of climate change are more apparent every day, and we need to act with urgency while we can make a difference,” said Elevate CEO Anne Evens. “Trisha is an expert in climate and energy solutions, clean manufacturing, and sustainable housing and brings a passion for people and the environment to her work. We will miss her presence over the next year, but we could not think of a better way to enhance our impact on the climate crisis than sharing her with the White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy. ”

“I’m deeply honored to join the White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy as the Senior Director for Industrial Emissions. I look forward to supporting the President’s goal of cutting emissions in half within the decade,” said Trisha Miller. “I know that the tasks I will take on in the White House are aligned with Elevate’s vision for a healthy and sustainable future for everyone.”

Previously, Trisha served as Senior Director at Breakthrough Energy, a network of entities and initiatives linked by a common commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Trisha developed a comprehensive climate policy framework for Breakthrough Energy, where she led industrial decarbonization, procurement, and transmission policy.

Trisha has served on the DOE Agency Review Team for the Biden-Harris Transition Team. She also served as a Presidential Appointee and Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, where she worked to advance President Obama’s Climate Action Plan.

About Elevate

Elevate is a nonprofit organization that works nationally and is headquartered in Chicago. Elevate designs and implements programs to ensure that everyone has clean and affordable heat, power, and water in their homes and communities —no matter who they are or where they live.

Media Contacts

Emma Baumgart,, 312-967-2968

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