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Building and Portfolio Consulting

two people looking over paperwork

We are here to help you!

Elevate offers tailored services to multi-family and nonprofit property owners, managers, and developers to meet their property and portfolio performance and sustainability goals.

Through an integrated approach, we provide an understanding of a property’s current performance and implement solutions to reduce energy and water use, electrify systems, install renewables, improve building health, and lower operating costs. We personalize our services to your project needs, which may include:

  • Portfolio planning to achieve sustainability goals over time
  • Integrated property assessments focused on:
  • Design and construction plan and specifications review
  • Energy modeling
  • Project management of the upgrade process
  • Financing solutions, including utility incentive support and energy and water service agreements
  • Tracking and benchmarking utility use and cost pre- and post-upgrade

Experience: WHPC Energy Planning Process and Building System Energy Action Plan

In 2022, Elevate worked with the Wisconsin Housing Preservation Corp (WHPC) to develop a portfolio-wide energy planning process to inform and guide energy-related investments across their building portfolio. This planning process developed tools including a portfolio database, an interactive map of the portfolio, a Building System Energy Action Plan, and case studies to centralize the portfolio property information and inform WHPC’s decision-making to preserve and provide high-quality affordable housing. View the planning process presentation and the Building System Energy Action plan.

Work With Us

We want to work with you on your next building or portfolio project! Fill out the form below to get in touch.

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