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Chicago Winter No Match for Retrofitted Logan Square Building

lsbldgIn 2013, building owner Josh Miller worked with Elevate Energy to reduce the cost of utility bills in his two-story building in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago, as well as improve the overall comfort of the units.

After suffering through a winter of cold drafts and high gas bills, Josh Miller decided to make improvements to his two-unit greystone. He contacted Elevate Energy, who sent an expert energy analyst and an independent contractor to inspect the heating distribution system, find air leaks in the building envelope, and determine which energy improvements qualified for financial incentives. Josh also got to take advantage of free energy saving light bulbs and water savings measures during the assessment.

Shortly after the energy assessment, Josh received bids for air sealing, insulation, and a complete heating and air conditioning upgrade. After Elevate Energy’s construction team reviewed quotes for each upgrade from the contractor, Josh decided to move forward with all of the recommended improvements, which are expected to cut his energy bills by 15 to 19 percent and make his building more comfortable. The improvements are estimated to save Josh roughly $900 annually.

Elevate Energy was able to connect Josh with financial incentives that reduced the cost of the improvements by 31%. This project is an example of an intensive energy efficiency building upgrade, which is more costly and provides more savings than a typical project. Typical project costs for air sealing and insulation improvements with no heating/cooling system upgrade range between $3,000 and $5,000 for two to four unit properties and provide annual savings of 10 to 15 percent.

Availability of incentives, grants, loans, and rebates varies depending on timing and project specifics. At no cost, Elevate Energy staff does all the work to put together the best financial package for building owners.

Josh commented that the improvements couldn’t have come at a better time: “I am so happy that I participated in Elevate Energy’s building services before the winter of the polar vortex. The apartments were cozy and far less drafty, and I can’t imagine what the utility bills would have otherwise been.”

To view a full case study, click here.

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