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Five Small Behavior Changes to Help You Save Energy for Free 24/7

Even though measures like air sealing and insulation can make a huge difference in your energy use and utility bills, saving money and energy doesn’t always require an upfront investment. Here are five no-cost ways you can use less energy throughout the day, shave a few bucks off your energy bills, and spend that extra money on enjoying the remaining dog days of summer!

  • In the morning:save energy for free
    • When you’re starting your day, let the sun shine in! You can avoid turning on artificial lights, and temperatures aren’t usually high enough yet in the morning to add heat to your home. As fall approaches, daylight hours are long enough to light your space even if you’re an early riser.
  • Before you leave for work:save energy for free
    • Adjust your thermostat 10° to 15°F for eight hours and save around 10% per year on your heating and cooling bills.
  • In the afternoon:
    • If you’re at home for the day and are looking for a way to stay cool and save, a ceiling fan can allow you to raise your thermostat setting about 4°F with no reduction in comfort. Coupling this tip with air conditioning allows you to save without breaking a sweat.
  • After dinner:save energy for free
    • On hot summer days, you can lower your electricity bills and minimize indoor heat at the same time by running the clothes dryer and dishwasher at night and letting your dishes air dry instead of running that steamy dry cycle. Year-round, wash your clothes in cold water, which in addition to costing less, also keeps your clothes looking newer longer.
  • Before bed:
    • Have you checked your home for energy vampires lately? Energy vampires are appliances, such as coffeemakers and televisions, that draw energy or “phantom loads” when they are plugged in but not in use. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates phantom loads cost households $100 per year. Before you turn in for the night, check around your house and unplug devices that aren’t in use to save!

Stay tuned for our next blog, where we’ll be talking about cool gadgets you can use to boost your energy savings even more!


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