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Seven Steps to Unlock the Value of an Energy Efficient Home

A new paper provides a pathway to document energy efficiency improvements made to existing homes so that appraisers, Realtors®, buyers, and sellers all understand and reflect the value of such upgrades in the real estate transaction. The paper shows how proper documentation, verification, and standardization of energy efficiency improvements can add value to a home that owners can recoup at sale

Experts from CNT Energy, the Appraisal Institute, and the National Home Performance Council presented the report recommendations that facilitate making the value of efficiency transparent in the real estate market. We outline the paper’s seven steps in this webinar. You can also access it on YouTube.

The outcome of these steps? As efficiency programs create greater transparency around energy efficiency, this transparency will encourage more homeowners to invest in these improvements, since they will have a clearer indication as to how much of the investment might be recaptured at the time of sale.

The complete paper is available for download here.

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