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Emergency Water Delivery During COVID-19

For some Chicago residents, living without clean water access is a daily struggle. That struggle is even more pressing during COVID-19.We worked with partner organizations across Chicago to deliver water to people who are living without clean water right now.

In 2019, the City of Chicago stopped water shutoffs for outstanding bill payments. However, some homes that had their water shut off before 2019 are still struggling to have their water turned back on. Beyond shutoffs, many people without stable housing also lack access to clean water.

The impacts of living without clean water are exacerbated during COVID-19. Hand-washing is encouraged to help stop the spread, and people who used to rely on neighbors, libraries, or park districts to get water face new challenges with social distancing and closed public spaces.

While our water delivery efforts provide immediate relief, we continue to advocate for building more equitable water systems that provide everyone with access to clean water so that emergency water relief is no longer a necessity.

We’re here to help. If you don’t have access to clean water right now, call us at 855-372-8377. Income-eligible City of Chicago residents can apply for Chicago’s Utility Billing Relief program, which offers reduced water rates, no late payment penalties, and debt forgiveness.

Learn about more resources for tenants, building owners, contractors, and families at our COVID-19 resources page.

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