We work with homeowners to remove lead hazards and create a safe, healthy home environment.
While lead exposure has health implications for all people, the effects are especially concerning among infants and children under age six. To protect children from lead our work is focused on child care providers and homes where children frequently spend time.
Elevate’s Preventative Lead Abatement Program
The program addresses lead paint hazards in the home at no cost.
Read more about the program in our Frequently Asked Questions document!
Space is limited for the remainder of the year, but we are accepting applications for 2025.
Our preventative lead abatement program removes lead paint hazards at no cost to make homes safe and healthy for the people who live there. Removing lead hazards at home can include removing lead paint, replacing windows and doors that have peeling paint, permanent enclosure of lead paint or dust, and more.
The program serves home-based child care centers in Chicago and Cook County, as well as residential homes with young children in Cook County that meet income eligibility requirements.
Lead Abatement Experience: CLEAR-WIN
Elevate administered the State of Illinois’s Comprehensive Lead Education, Reduction, and Window Replacement (CLEAR-WIN) program from 2011-2014. The program replaced windows, a major source of lead hazards for children. Opening a window that has worn paint on and around the window frame can create hazardous dust when consumed or inhaled.
The program replaced windows in Englewood and West Englewood, where older houses and apartments are more likely to have paint that contains high levels of lead. On average, residents gave the program high marks, reporting that they were very satisfied with the window replacement work (87% of homes). Learn more about the CLEAR-WIN program (PDF).