Clean Energy Workforce Training Success Story: Twiggy Mendenhall

In 2020, right before the pandemic impacted the world, Twiggy Mendenhall was just a student at Harry S. Truman College. She saw a post on LinkedIn from one of her professors, advertising an info session on renewable energy. Now, she’s a Policy Associate at Clean Capital.
Before Twiggy Mendenhall joined the FEJA (Future Energy Jobs Act) Solar Jobs Training program offered through Elevate, Safer Foundation, and Millenium Solar Training, she was working random jobs, mainly in restaurants and grocery stores, where she handled different types of food prep and customer engagement.
By chance, she saw a LinkedIn post by Truman College professor, John Brophy advertising the program. “The clean energy economy is appealing to me because the industry is, in general, talking about good-paying jobs and equity,” Mendenhall says. The program Brings together folks from various backgrounds who haven’t had the opportunity to have great careers. The opportunities to work for a greater cause and clean our grid were really appealing to me,” she said.
During her time in the FEJA Program, Mendenhall enjoyed many different aspects of the training. “I really wanted to learn some skills that could take me really far and were transferrable across industries.”
Read Twiggy’s full story here.
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