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Village of Broadview Water Affordability Analysis

Building on a body of work aimed at addressing water affordability in northeastern Illinois, Metropolitan Planning Council and Elevate, with support from Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, entered into a limited partnership with the Village of Broadview for a pro bono technical assistance project.   

The project includes analysis of the Village’s water billing data to understand the scope of water usage, billed amounts, and affordability by account type. This quantitative analysis is supplemented by interviews with local stakeholders including residents, small business owners, municipal staff, and elected officials to gather experiential data related to the provision and consumption of water service.  

This report provides staff and elected officials in the Village of Broadview with an overview of water affordability issues identified through our analysis. It includes key findings and recommendations to guide future water rate discussions and the adoption of affordability-based programs and policies, ensuring they meet the needs both of the municipality and its ratepayers. 

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