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WHPC Building System Energy Action Plan

Wisconsin Housing Preservation Corp (WHPC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is the largest owner of affordable housing in the State of Wisconsin. With a diverse portfolio of over 8,400 units located in more than 450 buildings across 58 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties, WHPC provides safe, affordable housing for low and moderate income families, seniors, veterans, and persons with disabilities.

With grant funding from the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, Elevate worked with WHPC to develop a portfolio-wide energy planning process to inform and guide energy related investments across the portfolio in Summer 2021. The goals of the portfolio wide energy planning process are to develop tools that centralize property information and inform decision making.

One of these tools is the Building System Energy Action Plan. The Building System Energy Action Plan is a roadmap of recommended energy upgrades for each building system to inform property-level decision making over time, such as asset managers planning property investments and property managers evaluating annual property needs, participation in efficiency programs, and contractor scopes. The recommended upgrades from the Plan will result in the following outcomes:

  • Improved & efficient building systems
  • Increased tenant comfort & lower utility costs
  • Lower building operating and utility costs
  • Increased access to clean energy technology and lower building carbon emissions

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