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Now Accepting Illinois Solar For All Grassroots Education Proposals

grassroots educationIllinois Solar for All (ILSFA) provides a unique opportunity to deliver on our mission of protecting people and the environment by ensuring that the benefits of solar – such as clean energy, lower bills, and jobs – reach those who need them most (check out our last blog on ILSFA to learn more about why we’re so excited). To ensure these benefits are reaching people across the state, we’re inviting organizations to propose grassroots education campaigns that will target hard-to-reach communities by adapting messaging or methods in a way that conveys accessible information, program opportunities, and points of entry into the program.

As the Program Administrator for ILSFA, Elevate Energy will be working with the selected organizations to execute campaigns. After three years as a Field Organizer across the state of Illinois for Elevate Energy, Grassroots Education Coordinator Elizabeth Corrado is looking forward to working with selected groups on trainings, facilitated community meetings, and other outreach strategies. “Grassroots organizations that are trusted messengers committed to improving their communities are ideal collaborators,” she said. “It will be particularly crucial that environmental justice communities –those that have a higher risk of exposure to pollution – are well-represented among grassroots education organizations.”

Just getting up to speed on ILSFA? The program will provide incentives for solar development in low-income and environmental justice communities, offering low-income households and the organizations that serve them measurable savings on their energy bills. ILSFA solar sub-programs include residential rooftop solar, community solar, and solar for nonprofits and public agencies. The program was created to promote equitable access to the solar economy, including the jobs it creates, in both urban and rural communities across the state.

Learn more and submit your organization’s proposal.

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