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Announcing Our Name Change!

Here at Elevate Energy, we have always prided ourselves on our name recognition and the way we are known to serve our communities. That’s why I’m pleased to announce that Elevate has simplified our name to Elevate!

Elevate logo with tagline Equity through climate action

Changing our name to Elevate comes as a result of our growth over the years. Our work has expanded to include services including water, health, renewables, and housing in addition to our energy work. Many people in our network already refer to us as Elevate, reflecting this growth.

Our new tagline ‘Equity through climate action’ speaks to our mission of creating a just and equitable world in which everyone has clean and affordable heat, power, and water in their homes and communities — no matter who they are or where they live. Our programs, policy agenda, and partners reflect this commitment. Making the benefits and services of the clean energy economy accessible to everyone is how we fight climate change while supporting equity.

While our name is changing, our dedication to our programs and services as well as the communities we reach remains the same. Thank you for being a part of our mission!

Anne Evens, CEO, Elevate

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