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How We Work with Contractors to Help Create Local Jobs

We often tout the success and impact of our Energy Savers program and highlight the number of units improved (more than 17,000 to date!), gas therms and kilowatt hours saved, or other non-energy benefits.

But did you know, we’re also making things easier for local contractors and creating jobs along the way?

Here’s how. After we complete a building assessment, our Energy Savers team works directly with a building owner to identify, explain, and prioritize the most cost-effective energy efficiency improvements for the building. Then we help the owner find and connect with a qualified contractor. We work with the building owner to review bids and perform oversight on the installation as well.

In short, the Energy Savers team members serve as intermediaries between building owners and contractors. In the process, we help good contractors find quality jobs and reduce time spent on conducting assessments, completing rebate paperwork, and promoting services. We also directly answer building owners’ questions and explain the benefits of energy efficiency improvements, further saving the contractors time.

These perks enable small business growth and increase the work available to reliable, local contractors. In fact, since we launched the Energy Savers program, we’ve helped to create 514 local jobs!

The biggest lesson we’ve learned from this work is that listening to contractors is paramount. We understand the challenges and roadblocks our partners face in the field. So when we hear that contractors are interested in Building Performance Institute (BPI) training, or weatherization techniques such as insulating cathedral ceilings, for example, we offer resources such as technical assistance and educational workshops led by experienced professionals.

We’re always looking for quality contractors who perform top-notch work. Learn more about becoming a qualified Elevate Energy contractor; you can also give us a call at (855) 372-8377 or send us an email.

And don’t just take it from us. Watch this video to hear what one of our contractors has to say about his own experiences with Elevate Energy.

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