Behavioral Design for Extreme Heat Policy
In Fall 2024, Elevate’s Research and Innovation team partnered with the Institute of Design at Illinois Tech for their Fall 2024 Behavioral Design workshop. This workshop was co-led by Ruth Schmidt of the Illinois Tech Institute of Design and Katelyn Stenger of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. During this workshop, Institute of Design students explored behavioral systems design approaches for extreme heat response and policy. The students formed three groups to investigate policies and behavioral choices of specific populations during chronic and acute extreme heat events, with the goal of helping policymakers recognize how even well-formulated climate action plans may not always work as intended. Each group created an interactive, tabletop exercise to further the discussion and improve understanding of extreme heat behaviors, decision-making, and tradeoffs.
The students presented their work to Elevate staff and other stakeholders in December 2024. The presentations from each group are available to download; all work and IP is the property of ID students, as indicated below.
Chronic Conditions
Authors: Flora Massah, Akshay Pagar, Ahmed Shaikh
Vulnerable Populations
Authors: Amina Awad, Robbie King, Nand Naktnasukanjn
Occupational Hazards
Authors: June Prukksananonda, Benedicta Gokah, Daniela Vélez
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